Thursday, January 11, 2007

Research Paper

My research topic is caffeine's effects on the body. My thesis sentence is "Although many struggling workers will contest that their morning cups of coffee help them concentrate, caffeine has more of a negative effect on the body than a positive one." I'm not positive on my subtopics yet, but a few things I've come across in my research are: caffeine's effects on children and pregancies, addicition, diseases caused by caffeine, difference between caffeine in food and drinks, and caffeine overdoses.

I've decided my interview will either be with my sister, who is in college and drinks about 50 cups of tea a day, or Ms. Embry, who is trying to get off her coffee habit. I'm also going to do a newspaper source with an article in the AJC about the new energy drink, Cocaine. I have a lot of sources that I can use, but they are mostly online. I am also going to use an old National Geographic I have that is all about caffeine. I still don't know what my actual presentation will be.

I've been using Gaileo and other ones off the library website, and they come up with a lot of things. I need to make my search more specific, because I get so many things and irrevant things. That is the hard thing about my topic, or thesis. I have a specific topic, but it is hard to search it without getting off topic things.

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